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HNA Vision

To be the premier global organization for nurses who want to freely learn and use homeopathy.


HNA Mission

The Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) represents and provides learning opportunities for nurses, worldwide, who are interested in studying, and/or using homeopathy in their professional lives. HNA supports the integrity of homeopathy and sees it as an essential part of healthcare.


​HNA's Professional Development Meeting 


Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 8pm EST








​Ron Whitmont, MD


Present on...


The Human Biome â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


​Ronald D. Whitmont, MD, is a former president of the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH), the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York and was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at New York Medical College.  He was board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and is a founding diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM).  He is currently a trustee of the AIH, president of the National Homeopathic Product Certification Board (NHPCB), and medical advisor to Americans for Homeopathy Choice. He is a second-generation physician homeopath and maintains a private practice of classical homeopathy in Rhinebeck, NY. 

We start promptly at 8pm EDT.  As a courtesy to our presenters, permission to enter will be open for 15 minutes after the meeting starts. PLEASE be sure you are asking for entry with your full name so that we are sure you are a member or are an invited guest.  

If you are not an HNA member and want to attend this meeting as a guest, go to the bottom of the JOIN/DONATE page and complete and submit the application no later than two-days prior to the meeting. When HNA receives and confirms the submission information and date, the Zoom link for the meeting will be sent. 

Learn About the Homeopathic Nurses Association

The Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) is a professional support organization for nurses all around the world who are interested in or use homeopathy with their family and friends, or are homeopathic practitioners. 

HNA is great place to join with other nurses to learn and apply the principles of homeopathy to your practice or for self-care. 

Nurses are a driving force in the advancement of health care, including integrating complementary modalities for the benefit of our clients.  Homeopathy, like nursing, is an art and a science. Joining nursing and homeopathy allows nurses to bring something special to their clients, family and friends.  Because nurses have already learned to provide "holistic care," they make excellent homeopathic practitioners.

Founded in 1984, HNA is working to bring homeopathy into the mainstream of nursing care. We reach out to those in the nursing profession in order to share the benefits of homeopathic health care and the rewards of homeopathic practice.

Supporting Nurses Using Homeopathy -
Spreading the value of homeopathy throughout local, regional, national, and international communities.

Benefits of Membership
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Go to our JOIN/DONATE 

Page to Begin your Membership Today!​


  • Network with "Similars"

  • Monthly Professional Development Meetings with World Renowned Speakers

  • Quarterly Newsletter

  • Mentorship Program 

  • Practitioner Referrals

  • Scholarships and Grants

HNA's Standards of Practice

HNA Code of Ethics

HNA's Bylaws


For a list of HNA Practitioners - Please go to

"Find A Homeopath" page




What is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy is a medical system based on the “law of similars" (like cures like.)  This gentle and effective holistic healing system,was founded over 200 years ago by German physician, Samuel Hahnemann.  According to The World Health Organization, homeopathy is the second largest kind of alternative medicine used today.


The term Homoeopathy means "similar suffering".  It uses similars to cure similars. This is an ancient idea used by Hippocrates, but Dr. Hahnemann expanded this idea into a complete system of medicine in use world-wide.

This medicine recognizes that each person expresses illness or imbalance through symptoms:  mental, emotional and physical. These symptoms are used in totality to choose a homeopathic preparation of a substance which has been found to evoke those same symptoms in a healthy person. These non-suppressive, non-toxic ”remedies" can be used for acute and chronic problems of all kinds. Homeopathy is a safe and effective, federally recognized, and backed by research studies, cases, and clinical trials.

COVID - 19 Statement

Homeopathy has an enduring record for reducing morbidity and mortality around the globe, during epidemics, for over 200 years. As health care educators we have a responsibility to refer people in our communities to an appropriate professional for treatment of viral symptoms. HNA also encourages individuals to follow the guidelines of healthcare officials for avoiding and containing pandemic illness.

​Useful links for further information:

National Center for Homeopathy

Centers for Disease Control

World Health Organization

American Institute of Homeopathy

Collaborating Organizations 

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