HNA Professional Advancement...Scholarships and Grant Program
HNA offers two scholarships and one grant annually. The Education scholarship is available for application in the fall and the Legacy scholarship is offered in late spring. The Dr. Sue Roe Advancing Nursing Leadership in Homeopathy Grant is available for application in late winter.
Questions or need more information, contact Dr. Maryann Ivons, HNA Professional Advancement Committee Chair. Use HNA Scholarship on your Subject line.
Continue Your Education!
The links below will take you to organizations that provide resources about homeopathy, and homeopathic education and certification. There are also links to organizations that support homeopathy.
American Institute of Homeopathy
American Holistic Nurses Association
Council for Homeopathic Certification
National Center for Homeopathy (NCH)
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the US
NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
Films and Videos
Did you know that Florence Nightingale used Homeopathy?
Check out this article​
HNA provides professional development, videos, and resources as part of its mission and its member benefits. These are neither a legal interpretation nor a statement of HNA policy. Any reference to specific products or entities does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by HNA. Nor is HNA responsible for any errors, omissions, or results obtained from the use of these resources or information. Further, the views and opinions expressed by presenters are their own and their appearance and the entities they represent does not imply an endorsement or, in some cases, the view of HNA. If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact the President of HNA.
Enjoy Magic Pills for $4.99.
Ananda More, Hom, DHMHS explores multiple media campaigns against homeopathy, propelling her to travel the world and uncover whether homeopathy is truly science-based and effective or a mere placebo that endangers lives.
A video from the Homeopathy Research Institute, Scientists say...homeopathy is not just a placebo, shares international research and evidence on the efficacy of homeopathy. VIEW
​Writing Study Group​
Please consider joining HNA’s new writing "study group" …focus will be on writing for publication, writing information/learning materials, or just wanting to sharpen your writing skills. The study group will be led by Sue Roe, a published author of textbooks, learning materials, and journal articles.
This is a member benefit and open to non-members for a fee $10/session.
Writing study groups are held monthly. If you are not a member of HNA, you may pay for one or more sessions below.
Questions, contact Sue Roe at
Non-member payment form: Home - JAHC
Monthly Virtual Professional Development Meetings
HNA members and invited guests enjoy presentations by world-class practitioners as well as have the opportunity to dialogue. These are scheduled the second Tuesday of most months. The meetings are a great way to learn more about homeopathy and to network with like-minded nurses.
If you are not a member and would like to be invited to a meeting as a guest, click on Join/Donate (a page on this website) and complete and submit the application.
President's Bulletin
A monthly email filled with important information, upcoming events, and updates that showcase timely topics for nurses and homeopathy. This is a member benefit.
Mentorship Program
Guided by an HNA Mentorship Program Committee, qualified Mentors (HNA members) are available to guide and champion interested mentees who want to learn more about homeopathy and/or who desire expert guidance on their cases. Mentors are able to assist all levels of needed support.
See the detailed information and applications for Mentors and Mentees on the Mentorship Program by clicking the tab above (Mentorship) or go to the Mentorship page. This is a member benefit.
“It's so great to be able to talk with so many like-minded nurses! And the opportunities for continuing my homeopathic knowledge are vast. Thank you HNA!
KS - Classical Homeopath, Michigan