Lia Bello, RN, FNP, CCH
Licensed Family Nurse Practitioner in New Mexico and currently certified in Classical Homeopathy (1996- present) and member of the National Center for Homeopathy since 1979.
•2023 Currently healthcare director of the Mirus Foundation, a non-profit healthcare organization working to bring homeopathic education and complementary health care to consumers and health care professionals. I have conducted over 100 homeopathic workshops in person over 45 years and now my 3-part video course on the basics of homeopathy and how to use a remedy kit is available to families and nurses by contacting me.
•Private practice in Homeopathic health care for the last 45 years in Washington, DC area till 1995 then in New Mexico. Now semi-retired.
• Writer for HOMEOPATHY TODAY, the magazine of the National Center for Homeopathy. Articles include “Catching Illness Early and Chasing it Away”, “Children’s Coughs” and “Parents on the Chronic Care Team”, and many other family and women’s health topics as well as "Hospice Care with Homeopathy" and most recently a book review for “Sane Asylums” by Jerry Kantor. Speaker at JAHC and AIH conferences, and at nursing schools over the years.
•President of the Council on Homeopathic Certification from 2003-2007
•1995 Certified in Classical Homeopathy by the Council for Homeopathic Certification
•1985 Director of Center for Optimum Health for 6 years, Reston, VA
•Founder (1984) and past president of the Homeopathic Nurses Association, a professional organization for nurses using Homeopathic Medicine
•1981 Certified as Family Nurse Practitioner after training at University of Virginia
•1977-1979 Office nurse for Homeopaths David Wember MD and Catherine Coulter
•1976 Attended the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital’s Doctors Training and Preceptorship for 6 months in London, England
•1974 Began the study of Homeopathy at the National Center for Homeopathy Professional Course in Millersville, PA.
•1973 Licensed as Registered Nurse after study at Prince Georges College, Largo, MD. Staff Nurse at Greater Southeast Community Hospital, Washington DC
Rate: $50/hour